

How to pay for this website

This site is currently being developed and I do not expect any payment for the site in this condition — please, if you find anything of interest, you’re welcome to use it — ignore the rest of this page.

This web­site (book) is an ex­per­i­ment — I’ve writ­ten it, I’ve drawn the pic­tures, I’ve in­vested my time and ef­fort in pro­duc­ing it, I’ve bought the fonts, I’ve paid for it to be hosted and I’ve en­joyed doing all of this (well the pay­ing less so — I am after all a York­shire­man†1).

I wanted to pro­duce some­thing that had a cer­tain qual­ity to it, the sort of qual­ity that would be pre­sent in a printed book. There are a great many web­sites that look good (graph­i­cally) and there are a great num­ber that ex­plain to the nth de­gree how some­thing works (and gen­er­ally these don’t look so good).

This, I hope, is a good com­pro­mise; I hope I’ve ex­plained things well and that I have cre­ated a site that is pleas­ing to the eye, is easy to nav­i­gate and, in short, has all the qual­i­ties you would ex­pect in a printed book — I hope it is some­thing you find agree­able and use­ful and wor­thy of your time.

Now you haven’t bought a book, you’ve just been look­ing at a web­site (this web­site) and that’s fine — have a good look around — see if you find it use­ful, I hope you do.

But that doesn’t mean it’s free. If you like the web­site, if you do find it use­ful, if you down­load it, strip out the bits you don’t want and use the rest; all well and good — I want you to use it and learn from it; but I also want you to sup­port it.

“How do I do that?” You ask — well that bit is easy, you can:

  1. Make a do­na­tion (I sug­gest £2-£15 though any­thing is wel­come) — do­nate the amount that best re­flects your ap­pre­ci­a­tion of the site:

  1. Tell other peo­ple (free) — I can’t say this is as good as the other op­tion but ex­po­sure is bet­ter than noth­ing.

  • There is no advertising on this website and I don’t want there to be. Please take the points above seriously; I’ve done my bit in producing the website, I like to think you will do your bit too by supporting it — enough said.

Michael Gledhill
October 2016

†1 someone once said that “Yorkshiremen are like Scotsmen, only not quite so generous”
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